Vacro submission to the Review of the Spent Convictions Act 2021 (October 2023)

In our submission to the Review, we emphasis the importance of this legislation to our staff and participants. We outline the many barriers people face to accessing the spent convictions scheme under the current legislation and make a series of recommendations to improve the scheme and ensure it reaches its potential to truly changes people's lives.  

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Vacro submission to the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations' Time to Work Employment Service Consultation (August 2023)

In our submission to the DEWR's consultation on the Time to Work Employment Service, which Vacro has delivered across the prison system since 2018, we make a series of recommendations regarding the development of a new prison-to-work service for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the prison system. Our strongest recommendation is that the Department ensure the service that replaces TWES adopts a 'throughcare' approach. 

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Vacro submission to the National Children's Commissioner (June 2023)

In our submission to the National Children’s Commissioner’s project investigating opportunities for the reform of youth justice and related systems across Australia, we argued that we do need a national approach to youth justice in Australia. We argued further that this approach must take the needs of children with incarcerated parents into consideration.

Read the submission

Vacro policy contact

Abigail Lewis, Senior Policy and Advocacy Advisor, [email protected]

Please note that requests from students relating to policy and advocacy should be sent to Vacro's student placement page